Massively reduced crowds the current hot topic. Cost of living, too much racing, too expensive (from admission to beer to burgers), tiny field sizes; the list goes on and probably all has merit.
Can't do much about cost of living. Highly unlikely that there'll be any significant reduction in number of meetings which means highly unlikely to be increase in field sizes. I'd, personally, love to see the number of meetings reduced dramatically which would increase demand naturally for other meetings and should also increase field sizes. I just can't see it though- too much off course money.
Which leaves expense. And demand.
There's been a lot of talk about a blanket reduction of admission costs, especially in midweek but, personally, I can't see it happening. If you halve the admission at every single meeting do you double the demand? I'm guessing not but it is a guess. And, presumably, there'll be an increase in overhead (staff) for an increase in crowd and little or no increase in revenue overall once the novelty wears off. Having said that the ticket cost midweek is totally prohibitive and surely needs a tweak.
Demand then. I think midweek all weather going behind closed doors is inevitable. There would be a very small positive demand effect on other meetings but I'd imagine a drop in the ocean. Every little helps though- there might be a slogan in there.
A few years ago there were initiatives to increase demand by way of themed meetings- music, focussed Ladies Day/Evening events and Student nights. For me, the music nights have, by and large run their course from the perspective of increasing actual racing attendances. There is the odd exception but it feels like either a cheap concert (in which case a lot of folk turn up after racing) or a really expensive racing day (in which case, again, a lot of folk just turn up after racing). Fashion shows etc just feel like an add on to a Ladies Day and rather detract from the actual racing. Does anyone say "hey, I wasn't going to go the the Ladies Day at Perth/Hamilton/Newcastle but now I know Gok Wan is there, where do I buy?" Not many I'd bet. Focus on the event not the sideshow and you get the same crowd without the extra cost.
Student nights. I've blogged about this before but they definitely put bums on seats/grass verges. I'm assuming there's a ton of co-ordination between racecourse and Student Union/University/Coach company to get these things on but they work. There was a Saturday/Sunday meeting not that long ago that I attended. Saturday was usually the busier meeting by some distance but this year Sunday was Student day. 1800 on Saturday, 3700 on Sunday. And you are, hopefully, creating a new generation of racegoers. And you don't need the eminent Gok every week.
So more Student nights then? Yep. Definitely. Surely each course can put on one or two per season? But why stop at students?
I'm on holiday at the moment. My significantly better half suggested the Family Bingo this evening. It was soulless, depressing, miserable. And absolutely packed. With people who looked depressed and miserable. I'm sure bingo is great fun but it sure wasn't tonight.
I've got mates who work in schools and mates who work in NHS. A couple of times a year they are dragged along to a works' night out at the bingo. They dread it. I suspect half of the staff dread it. But along they go because it's expected and the ones that love it, really love it because they might win. They pay a few quid and stare intently at a grid of numbers hoping that 2 little ducks really do win them 50 quid.
So there you have it. A potentially captive audience who already love the thrill of a little wager, but instead of going to a darkened room with a glorified highlighter surely a day in the sunshine cheering a live race is more exciting? Surely?
Key workers. There's a start. In case you missed it, the NHS might've had a tough time over the last couple of years so let's start there. NHS Day please. Not a half arsed fiver off for NHS workers hidden away in the T&Cs but a fully focussed marketing drive to every hospital, surgery, dentist etc offering entrance for a tenner. And when you've finished with them go to the medical unions in case you've missed anyone. And offer a lucky dip on the Tote PlacePot. Cos it's a bit like bingo. Then do it twice a year in case they're working the first time. But you've got to do it properly and throw everything at it and then keep doing it. And you get goodwill and great press by the truckload.
Then do it for teachers. Or delivery drivers. Or supermarket staff. Or whoever. And cheap entry is an occasional event for a targeted group who will feel special, Go on, give it a go. What have you got to lose? Apart from Gok.