Musselburgh 4/2/23 - Log Bait (and betting)
I appreciate that some of you come here for the betting update but, realistically, after the last blog, the majority of you will now...
On Course Bookmaker usually found at Scottish and North of England Racecourses. Dispelling the myth that you never see a poor Bookie.
I appreciate that some of you come here for the betting update but, realistically, after the last blog, the majority of you will now...
*** Bookmaker sympathy alert*** We start the night before the morning after. A bookmaker's New Years Eve revolves around the timing of...
6:30am alarm calls just feel wrong in order to get to race meetings on time. They just do. And, of course, because I knew I was up early...
Firstly, apologies for the lack of blog from Fighting Fifth. Crazy busy at home and I've been battling with a chest infection. And, let's...
Blogging huh? It's been a while. No realistic fixtures (apart from the last one at Kelso covered by Kev) meant an October trip to the...
Man size Huggies Pull Ups at the ready we set out for Kelso at a typical winter jumps sort of time (early) and today I was missing my...
Straight into this one as you've no doubt already read the laboured preamble (or, more likely scrolled through it) from yesterday's blog....
It was the final meeting of the season (The Glorious Finale) at our favourite track and, after the cancellation of the two Musselburgh...
Back to Kelso after the summer hiatus to discover marquees removed, buildings knocked down, temporary toilets banished and shiny new...
CairnBet friend Sparky and founder member of the Bonzai Golfing Society) arrived with us on Sunday. Easy Jet from Stansted. An hour's...
Subway. Not the nice one with the meatball marinara option but the one that goes under the track at Chester from the bookmaker's car park...
I'm not gonna lie, this is, literally, just a list of all the songs from which my hidden lyrics have been taken in all my blogs since I...
The 2022 Perth bookie car park scrum meant an unfeasibly early time to rock up, some 2 hours before pitch in and 3 1/2 hours before the...
Stress, stress, stress. New areas, decent pick. Too many potential options. Too many chances to get it wrong. 1/2 furlong marker? Well,...
Yes, yes, yes. I know, I know, I know. I have absolutely used this Cure lyrical reference before and will no doubt use it again but a)...
Alice Cooper not really my musical genre but given the iconic reference to it in The Young Ones and my son's current Oasis length mop on...
I've been away for a couple of weeks on holiday and foot golf in Cornwall is bloody brilliant. Totally irrelevant to betting blogs but it...
Massively reduced crowds the current hot topic. Cost of living, too much racing, too expensive (from admission to beer to burgers), tiny...
I'm doing this a bit from memory as the pro team are doing the next few meetings (so no blogs for a bit as the pro team are far too...
Covid (my son, not me) meant that the A team (Steve and Kev) went to Carlisle and Cartmel in the week. In summary- Carlisle was dead- we...